Day 14: Terrace - Nisga'a Lava Field - Hazelton - Smithers

Day 14 - 375 km (2,775 km total)

Free breakfast at White Spot, lava field coffee, time travel to Hazelton, mass drying in hotel room, brewery hopping, pizza party.

Started the day with a side trip to the Nisga'a Lava Field, the site of Canada's most recent volcanic eruption. Super fun drive there with really unique lava bed to chill at. We got out the stove and made some coffee while hanging out among the lava rocks and boulders. This was also the first time in a while I got the drone out to get some footage.

Sarah has now officially been named the director of cinematography for my clips, with her first order of business being to capture more varied footage. She has a really good eye for cool things to capture and so far I've enjoyed our creative partnership . I've really been enjoying how easy its been to capture and edit videos with my new workflow!

We did some quick pit stops today, one of which was in a cool little forest area. The day was super cold and wet, making for unpleasant riding . It's hard to enjoy biking when you're totally exposed to the elements and those elements are not warm air and sunshine!

We started talking a lot about road tripping (aka over-landing) instead of motobiking in the future. Maybe a day ride on a bike in good conditions would be fun, but it's tough to get back on the bike in bad conditions because you have limited vacation time and HAVE to ride to get to your next destination...

Fortunately we had some great snacks, and did our best to keep in good spirits. We rode to Hazelton, one of BC'S oldest European settlements. Riding through felt like time travel to the past.

We finally landed in Smithers and were able to warm up . Heating was instantly set to max and our room became a humid sauna as all of our clothes were hung to dry. The sun came out for the evening and we were able to explore some of the local breweries and enjoy a late night pizza before bed!

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