Reflecting and Setting Intentions (Ep. 1)

Coming to the end of a year always feels like the right time to reflect. This year, my wife and I got out to a little wood-stove heated cabin near Golden, BC. I tried an 80/20 approach to reflect and set my intention for next year and looked for ways to keep focused through the year.

All of my intentions for the upcoming year are associated with a clear why statement. This has made it simple to see if the activities I am pursuing are actually associated with things I value. My "buckets" of intention include: health, family, relationships, career, community, fun, spirituality and mental health, and finance.



how i reflected on 2020

I scrolled through my 2020 calendar and put things into a "positive" and "negative" list. Going through and finding trends, I looked at what 20% of my activities brought me the most joy (and what 20% brought the most frustration). My focus for the upcoming year will be to do more of the positive and avoid the negative like the plague.



keep what works top of mind

Review summaries of my guiding books at the beginning of the month to keep them top of mind. These books include: How to Win Friends and Influence PeoplePrinciples7 Habits of Highly Effective People.



r programming

As I prepare to apply for a Master's in Big Data Management Analytics, I developed a curriculum for myself to close the gap between where I am and what I need for the program. This past couple weeks I've been learning R through data camp. Check out the Data Scientist Career Track or Coursera's IBM Data Science Professional Certificate.



victorinox cadet alox

After in unnecessary amount of research into the world of EDC, I got myself a small pocket knife that I committed to carrying. It's true, once you have a knife, you can't go back.

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